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Rates for 2025 Administrations of the LSAT:


Comprehensive LSAT
Preparation Packages


  • Choose a pre-set package (below) or design your own at the end of your initial 80-minute session

  • Individually tailored test-prep strategy to fit your needs and schedule

  • Email/text/phone help on homework between sessions

  • Specific homework assignments & deadlines provided at each session


Package rates for 80-minute sessions:*


8 sessions: $2900

12 sessions: $4300

20 sessions: $6900

additional time

w/ any package: $360

per 80-minute session


Other session lengths are available based on individual student need: some folks prefer to meet three times a week for an hour, others prefer to meet for two to three hours at a time but less frequently. We are very flexible.


*Package discounts not applicable to sessions with Kyle Singhal.


Not sure how many sessions you'll need? That is normal! Come in for a no-obligation introductory 80-minute session (at a discounted rate of $250). At the end of the session, we can look at a calendar and discuss options for optimizing your LSAT preparation time in light of your schedule, needs, budget, and so on.


Please note that we do not just sit back and wait for you to call with LSAT questions. From day one, we'll work proactively to ensure that you're on an effective study schedule. We assign homework based on the amount of time you tell us you'll devote to LSAT prep. We'll continually plan out when you should do timed tests and under what conditions. Every step of the way, you get the benefits of a full-scale LSAT preparation company without having to sit in a large, impersonal class.​


Click "Get Started" and fill out our brief form​ to sign up for LSAT prep or to schedule a consultation. We'll respond within a day or two.

Individual Tutoring Sessions


  • Expert one-on-one LSAT tutor available at your disposal

  • Email help on homework between sessions

  • Use as few hours or as many hours as you need to ace the LSAT

  • Most students meet for 80-minute sessions once or twice a week

Session-by-session Tutoring (all tutors except Kyle Singhal):

$380 per 80-minute session

$550 per 120-minute session


Rates for Kyle Singhal only:

$575 per 80-minute session

(initial session available for $350)



Our Team


Our team comprises five tutors:


Kyle Singhal, director and lead tutor, has four 99th percentile (175+) scores on official LSATs and has had three students score perfect 180s, with ten students gaining admission to Yale, more than twenty to Harvard, and hundreds to other top 14 law schools. Kyle has literally written a book on the LSAT and has tutored over 800 students one-on-one. Kyle primarily accepts word-of-mouth referrals. Kyle attended law school on a whim and graduated first-in-class in the evening division at the George Washington University Law School. Kyle now engages in federal appellate litigation, bar exam tutoring, and law student tutoring as well as LSAT tutoring and admissions consulting. Kyle is also a Professorial Lecturer of Law at the George Washington University, where he teaches appellate practice and a bar exam skills course.


Eddie started at a 157 and self-taught his way to a 175. Eddie is on hiatus for the current term.


Jeff is an expert LSAT tutor with 11 years experience producing some of the most unheard-of results in the LSAT world, including one case where a student scoring 148 ended up scoring 171 on the official exam and another who went from 134 to 166. Many of Jeff's students have gone on to attend law school at top 14 schools as well as the University of Texas, SMU, and other excellent institutions. Apart from his LSAT tutoring, Jeff is an accomplished mountain unicycler, juggler, flame-thrower, frisbee-golfer, Scrabble-player, and table tennis player. Jeff is available by Zoom during the week and on weekends as well.


Two other master LSAT tutors are not profiled here: one scored 175 on the LSAT, graduated from Harvard Law School, and has over 500 hours of LSAT tutoring experience; the other scored 177, graduated from Columbia Law School, and has more than a decade of LSAT tutoring experience. Both work as attorneys in Washington, DC.



Admissions Consulting


Kyle, our director and lead tutor, also offers assistance with the law school application and admissions process:


  • Personal statement brainstorming, structuring, editing, and review

  • Brainstorming and planning sessions for diversity statement, scholarship essays, "optional" essays, the Georgetown video, the Yale 250, and other application components

  • Character & fitness concerns

  • Letters of continuing interest

  • Scholarship negotiation emails





Consider these actual outcomes from our admissions consulting:


Lindsey P. came in with a 157 and 3.1 GPA, and for personal reasons was only interested in attending the University of Colorado Law School in Boulder -- where her LSAT and GPA were both below the 25th percentile for the previous year's incoming class. Not only did we help Lindsey gain admission, but she was awarded a $30,000 scholarship.


J. W. used our services and gained admission to Harvard, Yale (successfully writing the elusive 250-word essay), and Stanford.


S. A. had a 157 LSAT score and a compelling story. We helped her tell that story in a profound and insightful personal statement and a complementary diversity statement, resulting in offers of admission at Columbia, Michigan, Berkeley, and Georgetown Law.


Request More Information

An expert one-on-one LSAT tutor will respond within 48 hours. 

To schedule the initial session, you must include your full name, your general availability (weekdays or weekends, daytime or evenings, etc.), and a brief description of relevant academic history and any LSAT prep you've already done.


The more facts you provide, the better we can respond. Thanks!

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Useful Resources

Please visit these other recommended sites:

  • w-facebook
  • w-tbird
  • google+

​© Copyright 2011-2024 DC Tutor, L.L.C., d/b/a DC Metro LSAT Prep. Last updated: August 12, 2024, by Kyle Singhal.

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